
You might have seen our posts about our new  project that we’re launching this week in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming.. Here’s the good news about it: We can’t fail. See, when you do a pilot, you have to define your success. We’re going to take by-product/produced water, treat it to match the regulatory guidelines and the needs of the surrounding soil, and after post treatment testing, we’re going to apply the water to the ground for ag and conservation.

Unless we don’t. See, that’s the part many are missing about our test. Our Conservation By-Design™ method has a fail/safe aspect. So, if we clean the water and the results meet the standard, then we will apply it to the ground. IF we clean the water and the results do not meet the standard, then we WON’T apply it to the ground. 

Either way we win. Because our goal is not to dispose of produced water. Our goal is to protect the land. So, in either outcome, the land is protected. Now, don’t get us wrong. We completely believe the test results will greenlight the water on the ground. But even if it doesn’t, we haven’t failed.

Come on out sometime and visit us on-site.  Call and we’ll set up a time, 307.369.4444.