Conservation By-Design™ is a patent-pending process developed by Marvin Nash to transform industrial by-product water into renewable, beneficial-use water to apply to arid ground to accomplish multiple goals.
—> Carbon Dioxide in the air is locked away into the vegetation.
—> grasslands and other vegetation growS
—> Agriculture expands
—> Conservation goals are met
—> produced/by-product water is safely managed with unique fail-safe aspect
(click triangle in middle)
WHY is it Conservation“BY-DESIGN”?
We custom design a plan based on a number of factors like location, soil health, water source, and your goals.
The best next step is to contact us.
We can talk together and figure out a go-forward plan.
Encore Green Environmental will pull all the parties together to make your dry, arid land become a grassland oasis.
““Water changes everything. Bringing water to our arid lands improves the climate, the life of the ranchers, our soil health, and indirectly our drinking water. Transforming by-product water is a must-do.””