
Starting this Thursday, July 2nd, at Encore Green Environmental, we will put into action our first project to not just recycle but RE-PURPOSE by-product/produced water. We have investor, permits in hand, technology committed, engineering permits in place – here we go! We’re making history. But where did this come from?

Go back to 1972-73 Edinburgh High School, in Edinburgh, Texas. Mr. Vela, the FFA and Ag Science Teacher handed me an outlined speech about Conservation. I gave it on the 1st level and won, gave it at the district level and won. I gave it at the area level and won. Off to State, now one of the top 10 public speakers in Texas FFA. 

But I worked for Lloyd Bentsen, responsible for load and shipping grain from the field to the port. 100 trucks a day for 30 to 40 days. When I asked for a week off Old Man Lloyd (the Senator’s Dad), he said he would fly me up the night before, and back home the next day. No other choice; we had a grain to haul. (There’s some things  about agriculture others just sometimes can’t understand).

It’s now 1975 or 1977, South Texas is hot, grass is slim and every night I burnt the needles off of prickly pear so the cows have something to eat. Hay is too expensive and the market is too cheap to sell. Agriculture disasters are often created by more than just supply and demand. (There’s some things  about ranching others just sometimes can’t understand).

It’s now 2020 and 48 years later Conservation By-Design™ will not guarantee the technology. Technology will always improve. But our Conservation By-Design™ published patent will guarantee that unsafe water will NOT contaminate the soil. If our pilot doesn’t clean the water to parameters, that’s okay. We will know because of the CBD fail/safe aspect and not put it on the land. We win. Because our goal is to protect the land.

Ranchers, farmers, and landowners are the selected stewards of soil health and climate improvement. 

As the young lady from Sweden said, “How dare you?!’ She is correct in some ways. How dare you stand in the way of Conservation through Conservation By-Design™

Thank you, Mr. Vella, Mr. Bentsen, and TD Jakes for the message this weekend about the power of the ordinary vessel. God will use normal regular folks to take care of our lands.

Where energy, agriculture, and environment come together, “How Dare We” let activists and alarmists get in the way of science and conservation.