
In football, if a guy can carry a ball across a certain chalk line on the grass, we cheer. That’s because we know what a touchdown is. However, we’re not sure that everyone gets what Encore Green having the first-ever permits to land-apply by-product/produced water really means. It means that ranchers can have water. It means oil companies can save money on water “disposal.” It means the soil gets better. It means the air quality improves. It means this produced water isn’t creating seismic activity by injection. It means that in eastern Wyoming there is a total ecological solution.

See, sometimes when that football player carries the ball across that chalk line, it just means a touchdown. But sometimes it means he won the Super Bowl. 

In a few weeks in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, we’re going to the Super Bowl. Follow along. Watch us run across the chalk line.

Come on out sometime and visit us on-site.  Call and we’ll set up a time, 307.369.4444.