
 We modern Americans don’t think about it. 99.9% of times we turn on the tap, we get water. But that’s 100% dependent on your aquifer having water. 

You see, your kitchen tap is not the only thing that asks the aquifer for water. The energy industry needs water to put INTO the oil wells in order to frack. Also, the billions of gallons of so-called produced water that comes OUT with the oil is often being pulled from the aquifer. 

Another industry also needs water: Agriculture. Because, well, we need food. 

So, there’s a lot of calls on the aquifer to deliver. 

Our patent-pending process called Conservation By-Design™ gives relief to the aquifer in these ways:

1. The water needed to frack is re-purposed from the formerly produced water that has been cleaned.

2. In the arid West, the ag community can get their water by cleaning all that produced water which the energy industry is tossing away. 

You will still need to have water come out of your kitchen sink. Conservation By-Design™ helps ensure that the water is there by not draining the aquifer for energy and ag.

Think about it next time you turn on your kitchen sink or take a swig.