
As energy company E & P’s deal with how to financially survive at $ 35 -- $40 oil, water costs are the elephant in the room (no offense to elephants). Energy companies must: 

 1) Find the oil

2) Produce the oil

3 ) Transfer the oil to refiners 

4) Develop ESG and carbon neutral plans as requested by their shareholders

5) But…what about the other costs like produced water management?

I spent several years working for an independent oil company during $40 oil and every day it was about how to do the above for less cost.

Squire the acreage, install midstream, establish surface use agreements, move the drilling rig, frac the well, dispose of produced water, bring the well in – all doing the above with excellence but at less cost. 

Who can do all that? Well, the land can. The solutions to carbon neutrality/ESG goals and less cost is the very soil where the oil and gas are setting.

Give us a call and we’ll go into details.