
Once upon a time, when the word “global warming” entered our vocabulary, a federal government program was developed called Cap and Trade, in which your “carbon footprint” (emissions from home or business) would be taxed. This was to incentivize reducing said footprint. It never got a solid hold at federal level, but some states have adopted it. 

We’re thinking that a voluntary, free enterprise system, which doesn’t add layers of lobbyist-funded bureaucracy and policies, is a better way to reduce emissions and put the money back where it belongs – to the landowner who is doing the hard work of sequestering carbon through improved soil health. With some additional revenue, that landowner can increase the carbon being pulled out of the air and increase oxygen being released. Just good old photosynthesis at work.

We’re working with a new group that will soon be announced. This Network will bring individuals, families, and businesses that want to voluntarily increase carbon sequestration in or around the amount that they are emitting. 

Stay tuned. An announcement coming soon. 

Want to talk about it now? Give a call, 307.369.4444.