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We get asked, How can we at Encore Green Environmental do what everyone else is only talking about, since we’re not engineers or scientists. So, how can we safely re-purpose by-product/produced water?

Well, to answer the how, we have to go back with me to a night at PRCA rodeo. I had driven all night to get there. Yes, I was a professional rodeo barrel man and entertainer. That all-night drive and late arrival meant I didn’t have time for a run through beforehand.

Showtime comes and at the high point of my act, Sunny, my trick horse doesn’t run through my legs. This is the big finish. The act kind of fizzles at the end and I exit as best I can.

As I walk off, I mutter under my breath, “The first night’s always practice.” 

Just then a man changed my life. Billy Minick, the Texas cowboy. He puts his big hand on my shoulder, turns me around to face him, and says, “Professionals don’t practice with paying people’s money.”

At EGE, that’s our motto. We do it right and keep doing it right. If you have water to put to beneficial use or technology you need to prove up or help get to market, contact us. 

We can help because, Professionals Don’t Practice with Paying People’s Money.
#sustainability #doitright