The Superbowl is upon us and everyone asks you – “Who you for?” At BUWA and Encore Green, we have a question for you – “Who you for?”
Are you for the land? Because, that’s who we’re for. We think that all of our decisions about what we do with our land should be based on, well, what’s best for the land.
Some of you reading this want to see drilling for oil not only continue, but thrive. And in the near future, we can’t do without oil. And if we in the U.S. get our own darn oil, we don’t have to be counting on other nations for it. We’re with you, but we’re not for you.
Some of you reading this want to keep our planet healthy and you want to make sure we can get more carbon dioxide out of the air. We’re with you, but we’re not for you.
We’re for the land.
We get that most of you see the world in one of two ways. There’s actually a third way.
Let’s be for the land.