PRESS RELEASE Nonprofit Launches New Path to Improve Climate Wellness Synergy for Ecological Solutions Offers Voluntary, Free Enterprise Program


A new nonprofit, Synergy for Ecological Solutions (S4ES) has launched their program designed to increase carbon sequestration, creating a carbon sink on agricultural and conservation land. This will improve air quality, which is instrumental in reducing climate concerns.

“Our goal is to empower those who are burdened about our climate but don’t have an action step to truly make a difference. We all want real solutions and there’s no greater solution than the way which Nature has already designed,” says Jeff Holder,  volunteer Executive Director and board member for S4ES. 

Nature’s program is photosynthesis. Better soil health increases photosynthesis, which means more oxygen is released into the air, while more carbon is removed from the air. The carbon is then sequestered in the vegetation, roots, and soil. So, the key to less carbon in the air is greater soil health.

The announcement of the new program was made at the Wyoming Stock Grower’s Association on December 9th.  

Jim Magagna, Executive Vice-President of the Association says, “At a time when the livestock industry is being falsely maligned for our contributions to climate change, participation in S4ES together with Carbon Asset Network, provides landowners with a unique opportunity to demonstrate their daily role in sequestering carbon through the management of their land to enhance soil health.”

S4ES has selected Cheyenne, Wyoming as their international headquarters. Dale Steenbergen, President & CEO of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce says, “We’re proud to have such an innovative and forward-thinking group to call Cheyenne home. It’s the new solutions to tough problems that keeps Wyoming on the forefront of advancing into the future.”

The program is  a free enterprise, non-governmental, non-political alternative to the older cap and trade program. S4ES works with organizations such as the Carbon Asset Network (CAN) to bring two groups together: On one hand are the  Change Agents, who are donors who contribute to Soil Health Projects. On the other hand are the Land Stewards, who own land and dedicate a portion to improved regenerative ag and conservation practices and can use the donated funds for needed equipment or practices. 

The goal of S4ES and CAN is the same – increase the health of the soil, which because of photosynthesis, leads to carbon being removed from the air and locked away in the vegetation, roots, and soil.

“At CAN, we appreciate what Synergy for Ecological Solutions is doing by bringing together a natural solution by improving soil health.” says John Robitaille, Director of Carbon Asset Network. “It gives the landowner agriculturalist a path forward.”

Both CAN and S4ES strive to focus on the land and not on partisan politics or conflicts. 

“We offer a solution where individuals, families, and businesses can set aside politics and do good because it’s the right thing to do. We envision a transformation of not only our soil but our air. We are the generation entrusted with our lands and we all want to be better stewards,” concludes Holder.




 Are fields upon fields of green vegetation green enough for you?  Yeah, we know that’s not what the green new deal is. But what we’re talking about is the single most effective way to help oil & gas companies be carbon neutral by whatever year they are hoping for today.

You see, all that produced/by-product water can be cleaned with the patent-pending Conservation By-Design™ method and the applied to the ground in proximity to the well. The arid land in the West is thirsty and can take barrels upon barrels of regulatory-approved beneficial-use water. Let’s have a show of hands, who votes for THAT new green deal?


In an effort to be transparent, we’re bringing you along on the journey as we attempt to receive a permit to surface-apply treated/cleaned by-product/produced that has been put to beneficial use. We received a quick response from the RRC for our request for a call to learn the next couple steps to apply for this permit. Funny thing is, they were also quick to tell us they will have their legal counsel on the line and that they define this call as being about a “commercial fluid recycling facility”. 

So, we’re not sure why they need lawyers to tell us the agency’s steps for a permit. And we’re not sure a farmer wanting to put water on his cotton is a commercial fluid recycling facility. But we look forward to the call and maybe we’ll get an answer to those questions. Heck, we’re just trying to figure out how to get more healthy soil in west Texas. How hard should that be?

Stay tuned. 



 The annual reports and press release from the major oil & gas companies talk about ESG. They underline it. They bold it. They put a yellow highlight on it. But . . . so far, they don’t do much else. 

Now, we understand that major corporations turn around about as fast as an aircraft carrier. We know things take time. 

But if you want to contribute to meet the ESG goals, then EGE is for you. We don’t cost any more to “dispose” of your water, it positively impacts the environment, and it’s a natural, organic way to accomplish all this. 

EGE is the ESG solution.


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We keep wondering about how we can positively impact climate change. The answer is simple and as old as dirt. In fact, it is dirt. Dirt, water, sun, and vegetation cleans up our air. 

We're launching a new initiative so that YOU can be the solution to help out the dirt, water, sun, and vegetation get their job done of removing carbon from the air.

Stay tuned. 



When we hear about ways that we average Joe’s can make a difference, we hear about eating vegan and separating our trash. Those might be good, but we average Joe’s want something we can do that will directly clean up our air quality and environment. 

Well, Mr. or Ms. Joe, we are about to launch a new initiative that will be a game changer.

Hang on. Together, we’re about to change the world.



Too much water, changing politics, earthquakes, and infrastructure capital expense are giving you fewer and fewer options. At EGE, we have the aspirin for your headache.

The arid soil surrounding these wells is thirsty and can take as much cleaned by-product water as you have. It’s the only solution that makes sense.

Ag is now your midstream partner. Take two aspirin and call EGE in the morning.



Too often we feel like we can change things.

But when it comes to improving our air quality and removing the carbon, we now have a choice. We are launching a new initiative in the coming weeks that will be voluntary and based on free-enterprise.

We’ve been waiting on our friends in D.C. to come up with a viable solution. But the answer doesn’t lie there. It lies with you. Stay tuned for more info.



CARBON ASSETS ARE LIKE THE WORLD’S BIGGEST KITCHEN where a recipe of soil, plants, and water come together to make cleaner air. It’s like your favorite meal at a restaurant. You know the one.

But sometimes the restaurant ends up with leftover food. They can throw it away or join a system to donate food daily to food banks and shelters.

Well, let’s do the same with our environment. Waste no more. Our carbon assets can “feed” the climate!


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No, we are not Elon Musk and we’re not headed to the moon. But we do know the importance of NASA’s soil health data they collect with satellites.

No, we are not making energy out of wind, but we do understand new technology.

Instead, we are just down to earth, soil health solution-based, get-it-done, common sense connectors between change agents and land stewards. It’s the water and the soil. Heck, even kids know mud is where it’s at.